
HOw MIGHT MKThink Position itSelf as an architectural thought leader?


MKThink is an architecture and strategy firm that applies a systems-thinking and data-driven approach to solving spatial challenges. The firm offers a unique value proposition that has proven difficult to communicate. MKThink was in need of a clear and unifying value proposition and rebranding strategies to strengthen its reputation as an architectural innovator and thought leader.




Using the Business Model Canvas, I mapped out MKThink's core competencies and business functions. I conducted a brand audit to assess the firm's current positioning, primary touchpoints, and messaging identity across media platforms. Informed by findings from these analyses, I revised the mission statement and refined the value proposition to guide a refresh of MKThink's brand identity and drive branding strategies.


Updated brand guidelines (re)define the brand identity and establish visual standards. The redesigned logo plays up think over the founders' initials (MK), and the new tagline emphasizes a concrete (places) over ephemeral (ideas) value proposition. The website was revamped, social media presence heightened, and print collateral redesigned. A new quarterly publication, speaker series, and (pending) podcast introduce platforms to publicize the firm's ideas.