The following waveline models a concept that introduces news features into the coffee shop experience. Current Experience maps the typical customer experience against an Ideal to identify low points in the customer journey. The News line pinpoints opportunities for improvement. The waveline presents a roadmap for improving the customer experience and informs the design of experience-enhancing touchpoints.
About Wavelines
The waveline is a tool for modeling customer relationships that maps premium types of value—emotion, identity, and meaning—which enhance customers relationships beyond the traditional values of function and finance. The tool was developed by California College of the Arts professors Steve Diller, Nathan Shedroff, and Sean Sauberand and introduced in their book, Blindspot. Bruce Nussbaum, former Innovation and Design Editor of Businessweek and current mentor-in-residence at NEW INC., hails the waveline as "the first new tool I've seen in years that has the power to build relationships with consumers that they will value highly. Indeed, the waveline is the new consumer journey."